Bed Bug Exterminator – GUARANTEED Bed Bug Control

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Titanium Laboratories’ Residential Bed Bug Exterminator Doesn’t Suck – WITH A 1 YEAR GUARANTEE!

Titanium Laboratories, Inc. is your number one choice for a bed bug exterminator in NJ, NYC, and NY state. Our Bed Bug Exterminator will make your bed bug problems go away fast, so that you can rest peacefully in your bed-bug-free bed. And, Titanium Laboratories’ Bed Bug Exterminator will make sure your appointment is booked on a priority basis.

Can Titanium Laboratories’ Bed Bug Exterminator help me get rid of bed bugs?

Absolutely. And in most cases we can resolve your bed bug problem without requiring the bed or furniture to be discarded.  

Combined with service of yesteryear where clients were the highest priority, as well as tomorrow’s technology, Titanium Laboratories will remedy your situation right away. Our Bed Bug Exterminator has more than 20 years experience as a state licensed exterminator and continuously furthers his bed bug knowledge in continuing education courses, seminars, and a strong relationship with the top pest control product suppliers. Contact Titanium Laboratories today for a free consultation with our Bed Bug Exterminator on our toll free number at 1-877 7 TITANIUM (1-877-784-8264).

Bed Bug Exterminator Service Area

Titanium Laboratories’ Bed Bug Exterminator provides services to NY metropolitan area including neighborh0ods that fall within the regions listed below.  To find out more specific detail, visit our Service Area page to look up your city or zip code.

  • New Jersey Bed Bug Exterminator Service Area

    • Northern NJ
    • Central NJ
  • New York Bed Bug Exterminator Service Area

    • NYC / New York City
    • Manhattan
    • Brooklyn
    • Queens
    • Bronx
    • Staten Island
    • Western Long Island
    • Lower New York State / Downstate NY

Bed Bug Information

New York and New Jersey Rank High on the Bed Bug Infestation Lists
What are bed bugs?
Bed Bug Feeding Information
Health Implications of Bed Bugs
Why have bed bugs suddenly emerged as one of the widespread pests affecting NY, NJ, as well as many other metropolitan areas in America?
Is there a do-it-yourself way to exterminate bed bugs? “DIY Bed Bug Removal”
Can I inspect for bed bugs myself? How do I find bed bugs? What do bed bugs look like?
How to Prevent Bed Bugs
Travel tips to Prevent Bringing Bed Bugs Home

New York and New Jersey Rank High on the Bed Bug Infestation Lists

In recent years, bed bug infestations have invaded NY, NYC, and NJ seemingly overnight. Did you know that presently New York and New Jersey are both considered to be top states for worst bed bug infestations? As of December 22, 2010, published a list 13 metropolitan areas after gathering data from two of the nation’s large pest control companies, Orkin LLC and Terminix, to rank cities that they found to contain the worst bed bug infestations based upon information collected from their office data gathered from around the United States. Here’s what both companies reported about New York on a scale beginning with 1 as being the worst.

  • Bed bugs NY
    • Orkin LLC reported New York to be number 7
    • Terminix reported New York as number 1 for bed bug problems
  • Bed bugs NJ
    • New Jersey was not on’s list specifically, however the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) reports their highest number of bed bug inquiries from
    • New York
    • California
    • New Jersey
    • Pennsylviania

What are Bed Bugs?

“Bed bugs”, a common household name for the parasitic insect, Cimex lectularius, feed off human blood as well as warm-blooded animals. Bed bugs begin their life passage as a transparent beige-colored nymph, developing into small, reddish-brown nocturnal insects that vary in size based upon which of the six life stages they are in. The reddish-brown coloring is a result of blood ingested by the bed bug and more importantly, bed bugs who have not fed recently are obviously more difficult to see. Generally speaking most bed bugs spotted by the human eye vary from 1/8 ” to 1/4” in length. Bed bugs are extreme survivalists. They can feed and then continue to exist for up to 12-18 months without a subsequent feeding. Due to this resilient nature a bed bug is a complex pest to eradicate. Bed bugs produce offspring in startling numbers. A female bed bug has the capability to lay as many as 500 eggs in her lifetime; bed bug eggs hatch in 5-10 days’ time. Based on these facts you can now appreciate why a bed bug infestation can multiply dramatically seemingly overnight. Similar to cockroach infestations, if you spot a bed bug in your home there is very rarely just one bed bug. Finding a single bed bug in your home or building would be grounds to inspect immediately to identify any concealed infestations. You may either conduct your own bed bug inspection or contact Titanium Laboratories today for a professional bed bug inspection.

Bed Bug Feeding Information

Bed bugs are hematophagous, which means they require blood as their source of nutrition to survive. Warmth and carbon dioxide exhaled by a potential bed bug host are very attractive to a bed bug and that is why they typically are found inside beds. When a bed bug bites, it uses two hollow tubes to feed from its host. The first tube injects the bed bug saliva into the skin of the host which contains two properties, an anesthetic as well as an anticoagulant. The other tube then feeds off the bed bug hosts’ blood. Unlike a mosquito bite which can cause a sudden “pinch”, a bed bug bite can occur painlessly and unsuspectingly to the bed bug host recipient. A typical bed bug bite continues into a feeding of approximately 5 to 10 minutes. Bed bug bites are more commonly the indication of a possible bed bug infestation. Bed bug bite marks usually result in itchy red welts on the skin, and a track of marks is a hallmark sign. Many times, bed bug bites are mistaken for mosquito bites, flea bites, or spider bites. A trained professional at Titanium Laboratories can help you determine the kind of bug bites that you may have.

Health Implications of Bed Bugs

The most common health effects of bed bug infestations are skin rashes, allergic reactions, in rare and severe cases anaphylactic shock may occur to individuals who suffer from severe allergies to bed bug bites. The good news is, there is no evidence so far that links bed bugs to infectious diseases such as hepatitis B or HIV. Most common and disturbing health effects of bed bug infestations are the psychological effects which cause severe sleeplessness and general anxiety in many people who suffer from a bed bug infestation. Titanium Laboratories understands your distress and we will treat your bed bug situation with concern, compassion, and urgency.

Why have bed bugs suddenly emerged as one of the widespread pests affecting NY, NJ, as well as many other metropolitan areas in America?

Since the 1940’s bed bugs have been nearly eradicated in America. The reason for the recent insurgence of bed bugs throughout the United States is constantly debated but the experts happen to agree on the following points that contribute to the recent widespread bed bug epidemic:

  • More frequent worldwide travel: Our population is much more mobile in today’s world as compared to the 1940’s. Travelers from United States visit other countries where bed bugs are commonplace; the bed bugs latch onto travelers’ bags and clothing and consequently hitch a ride back to America.
  • Old discarded furniture finding its way into new homes: Restoring old furniture continues to be en vogue especially over the past several years. Thrift stores, garage sales, online notices of furniture being given away for free – We all love a good bargain! Bear in mind, bed bugs do not only hide in beds, they find their way into all sorts of cracks and crevices, including the crevices and corners of furniture, perhaps that great bargain of a dresser you found at a garage sale. Titanium Laboratories strongly recommends that you thoroughly inspect all second hand items including clothing, furniture, linens, etc. before even allowing it to enter into your home.
  • The more common use of pesticides that do not kill bed bugs: In the 1950’s, DDT was the pesticide of choice. Conclusion? Almost complete eradication of bed bugs! One spray or dusting of DDT around a bed would kill off a bed bug infestation for as long as a year or longer. Today’s pest control products are highly targeted. Gone are the days of the “spray jockey” where an exterminator would enter your home and spray everything down with an unspecified liquid pesticide. Most pesticides are also used in lower doses today, and in many cases in the form of bait gels. Bait gels are highly effective in targeting certain pests, including ants and cockroaches. Unfortunately, many of these products do not kill bed bugs.
  • Increased resistance to pesticides: Sometimes, bed bugs present a challenge to the exterminator or the do-it-yourselfer. The University of Massachusetts at Amherst studied the resistance of bed bugs. What they found, was that a percentage of bed bugs particularly from New York survived the application of pyrethroid insecticides, specifically deltamethrin, which is commonly used to target bed bugs in pest control applications. It was reported that New York bed bugs are 264 times more resistant to deltamethrin. New Yorkers can be tough. New York Bed Bugs are tougher. It was discovered that New York Bed Bugs mutated within their nerve cells, counteracting the neurotoxic result of their interaction with pyrethroid insecticides. New Jersey with its close proximity to lower New York State and New York City is not immune either, as the researchers have not been able to identify how far beyond New York bed bug resistance may have extended. On a comparative note, the bed bugs from Florida did not show the same resistance. What does this mean to pest control exterminators, and more importantly, you? Translation: your bed bug exterminator better be on the cutting edge of technology. If not, then the chemicals they use may not kill the bed bugs in your home or building and the situation will continue to develop. Titanium Laboratories is committed to technology and the latest developments to stay two steps ahead of bed bugs. Through continued education, seminars, and industry affiliations and meetings, our exterminators are always aware of the latest break-through in battling a bed bug infestation.
  • Media attention and knowledge: More accurate diagnosis, as pest control technicians and exterminators in the past may have been mistaken for other species of insects such as carpet beetles or booklice. Now that the media has been alerted that bed bugs are back, they are a consideration when identifying a suspect pest. Titanium Laboratories provides expert pest identification through our entomology service.

Is there a do-it-yourself way to exterminate bed bugs? “DIY Bed Bug Removal”

Searches on the web will provide thousands of products targeted to the consumer to kill bed bugs. It is understandable why someone would want to do their own pest control for bed bugs. Some people are simply embarrassed that they have a bed bug infestation. Titanium Laboratories can assure you, bed bugs do not discriminate based upon cleanliness. As long as a place is warm and provides a blood meal, a bed bug is a satisfied bug. World class luxury hotels that employ top-notch housekeeping are even battling bed bugs just like you! So don’t worry. Call Titanium Laboratories today for a free consultation and price quote. Titanium Laboratories will treat you with the utmost respect that you deserve.

The fact is killing bed bugs is not a simple task.  Louis Sorkin, a highly respected entomologist at the Museum of Natural History in New York has been instrumental in assisting New York to address the epidemic proportions of bed bug infestations. LiveScience quotes Louis Sorkin as stating,

“Some people don’t like to say they have bed bugs. They try to take care of it themselves,” Sorkin said. But amateur attempts often just push the bugs away for a while and spread them into neighboring properties.”

A bed bug in a neighboring property is likely going to find its way back into your property eventually. There are many pest control projects you can do yourself; bed bugs are best left to a qualified professional to ensure success.

Another reason many homeowners and building owners want to try to kill bed bugs without hiring a professional is to save money. Unfortunately, when a situation grabs a lot of media attention, related service providers tend raise prices. Titanium Laboratories understands your concern about your budget and we are committed to offering our clients fair and competitive prices.

In the end, the cost of ineffective consumer-grade products repeatedly used to no avail may cost you more in the long-run.

DIY bed bug removal also present an overwhelming amount of safety issues.  For example, read our blog about Bed Bug Heat Treatments.  This is one DIY bed bug removal method that we definitely do not endorse due to the reported incidences of house fires as a result.

Can I inspect for bed bugs myself? How do I find bed bugs? What do bed bugs look like?

Yes you can!  Here’s your quick first lesson on being a Bed Bug Exterminator 🙂 …Armed with a flashlight and good eyesight, or a magnifying glass, you can begin the inspection process yourself. Likely if you are inspecting for bed bugs you suspect they may be present in your home either due to the possible finding of a bed bug or possible bed bug bites on someone in your household or building. These are key reasons to begin a thorough bed bug inspection.

Follow the below process to begin your own do-it-yourself bed bug inspection. Don’t forget this is not the New York City Marathon! Inspecting just your bedroom with an untrained eye may take an hour, two, or more depending on the size of the bedroom and the amount of “stuff” in your bedroom. Ensure you have set enough time to conduct your own bed bug inspection without a predetermined time limit or other distractions. This is a similar process that Titanium Laboratories’ bed bug expert utilizes:

  • First, inspect the bed
    • Inspect all of the cracks and crevices on the front and back of the headboard. You are looking for brown spots which may be fecal matter or molted bed bug skins. Look very carefully and use a good flashlight along the headboard to see if you find any “activity”, or clusters of bed bugs.
    • Strip ALL bed linens, including any mattress pads, coverings, and the bed skirt.
    • Check along all of the tufts and seams of your mattress. Bed bugs like to hide along the seams and within the tufts. Search along each seam of the mattress, checking it carefully again, for brown spots, molted bed bug skins, or physical bed bug activity.
    • Do not neglect the underside of the mattress and each seam on the underside for bed bug waste or bed bug activity.
    • Now, stand the mattress up off the bed and begin to inspect the box spring using the same process. Check all the seams. Turn over the box spring and check all along the box spring frame. Aim a high-powered flashlight through the sheer covering on the bottom of the box spring as this is a very common area for bed bug infestations. It is not a bad idea to remove the sheer covering for a better look. You can simply staple it back on after your bed bug inspection has successfully concluded.
    • Don’t forget to check the bed framing. Lift the box spring off the frame and check along the rails that mount the box spring. Also if you store items beneath your bed, it is imperative to check each item. Bed bugs will hide in any crack and crevice, including bags, boxes, and clothing stored under the bed.
  • Inspect all furniture for signs of bed bugs, too
    • Bed bugs tend to fester in drawer corners, and in tight warm spaces such as cracks and crevices within furniture. Open each drawer, remove your belongings and inspect all of the seams along the drawer, for example. Remember that bed bugs are small insects and can inhabit very tiny spaces.
    • Inspect the top surfaces of your furniture. Remove any papers, magazines, electronics, and check underneath. As you place each item back in its intended place, inspect it thoroughly. Shine your high powered flashlight into the vents of your electronics and take a good look inside for bed bug indications.
  • Inspect all of the following areas within the bedroom
    • Hampers, check through all of the clothing for signs of bed bug activity
    • Outlet covers – using a screwdriver remove all outlet covers. Because of the warmth this area provides, bed bugs are highly attracted to electrical outlets.
    • Carpeting – check along the edge where carpeting joins the wall, including the tack strip that holds the carpeting in place. Bed bugs are commonly found hiding here.
    • Drapes – using your flashlight inspect all of the seams in your drapes, and any tufts where bed bugs may nest.
    • Cornices – check for bed bug activity in moldings and joints of the cornices for bed bug activity.
    • Picture frames – often times, bed bugs are found nesting behind a picture hanging on the wall. Take all picture frames off the wall and inspect the backside thoroughly.
  • Now it’s time to inspect adjacent areas and commonly used rooms.
    • In many cases, bed bug infestations are found to exist in a living room sofa. Using the same techniques as the bedroom, check your living room next. In a sofa, many times bed bugs are found on the underside of cushions and in the seams where the cushions meet with the upholstered furnishing. Again, check all furniture in the living room, removing drawers and cabinets one by one, checking each one for signs of bed bug activity. Following a full bed bug inspection of the living room, you may begin to use the same techniques in inspecting for bed bugs in each room of your house.

How to Prevent Bed Bugs

A few habits if properly employed go a long way in helping prevent bed bug infestations. Exterminators employ these exact methods every day to prevent their own homes from becoming bed bug infested:

  • Practice good housekeeping to prevent bed bug infestations
  • Routine cleaning
  • Regular vacuuming schedule of at least once per week. Not only will vacuuming help pull up any live bed bugs, but also any un-hatched bed bug eggs.
  • Disposal of vacuum bags once they become full to an outdoor waste bin. If you have captured any live bugs or bed bug eggs in your vacuum bag or canister it is best to empty it outside so that the bed bugs cannot re-infest your home or living space.
  • Reduce clutter. The more “cracks and crevices” you provide, the more bed bugs are likely to find an ideal nesting spot in your home or building.
  • Thoroughly inspect any second hand items that you plan to bring into your home or building, including furniture, linens, clothing, and electronics. Do not bring any questionable items into your home until you are 100% confident they are bed bug free.
  • Home owners and especially building owners should caulk all holes in walls and floors. This is not only effective for preventing bed bugs from scattering throughout the infrastructure, but also many other household pests, too, and is a great general pest control preventative measure.

Travel tips to Prevent Bringing Bed Bugs Home

View our Hotel Bed Bug article for complete step by step guidelines to prevent bringing home hotel bed bugs.

  • First upon arrival to your travel location, whether it is another home or a hotel, conduct your own inspection of the bedroom to ensure you are not entering a bed bug infested room. Although most establishments employ regularly scheduled extermination service, many hotels are unaware of a bed bug infestation in a particular room until a guest complains that they have bed bug bites. The problem occurs sometimes because a bed bug bite may take up to 9 days to emerge. So if you enter a hotel where no complaints have yet been filed it is still possible that a recent bed bug infestation may have occurred.
  • Never leave your suitcase or personal belongings on the floor. To prevent bringing possible bed bug infestations, or even just one bed bug “straggler” home, it is always advisable to store your luggage on a luggage rack. Refrain from dropping your clothes on the floor to prevent a bed bug from latching onto your clothing while travelling. (The maid will thank you too.) Instead, drop all used clothing straight into a plastic garbage bag for your trip home. If you have accidentally acquired a bed bug, a tightly knotted plastic bag will keep the bed bug contained until your clothing is laundered.
  • When you arrive home following your trip, the first place for your clothing should be the washing machine, in hot soapy water followed by a minimum of 20 minutes dryer time at the highest temperature setting possible. For more delicate clothing a thorough visual inspection will be your best way to ensure you did not carry a bed bug home.
  • Check your luggage thoroughly for any suspected signs of bed bugs or bed bug activity.
  • Similar to learning any other beneficial routine, the above bed bug prevention tips may seem overwhelming and cumbersome at first. After maintaining a bed bug free home by using the above techniques they will become second-nature.

If you are affected by bed bugs contact Titanium Laboratories today for a free bed bug consultation and a quote for service.


Yesteryear’s Service. Tomorrow’s Technology. Call Titanium Today!

1 877 7 TITANIUM


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