QOTD: “How to get rid of ants” Ants are the #1 Pest in America Did you know that ants are the #1 nuisance pest1 in America? And the number continues to rise each year. If you have an ant infestation…
QOTD: “How to get rid of ants” Ants are the #1 Pest in America Did you know that ants are the #1 nuisance pest1 in America? And the number continues to rise each year. If you have an ant infestation…
Have you been considering purchasing a DIY Mold Test Kit? If so, now’s the time to buy! Originally priced at $99.00, Titanium Laboratories’ Mold Test Kit (Swab) is now ON SALE for $49.50. Save 50% and buy your mold test…
New! Do It Yourself Mold Test Kit (Swab Test) Now available! Did you see us on News 12? We show how easy it is to take a swab sample of suspect discoloration, and test for the presence of mold. By…
We found this article interesting. In times where DIY is often a great option, some things are yet best left for a professional. – Titanium Laboratories, Inc. Homeowners looking to evict insect pests frequently turn to total release foggers, the ominous…